What's important for us...

The "Civicus Romania" Association is a non-profit legal entity dedicated to strengthening and supporting civic initiatives and enhancing civil society's involvement in public, socio-economic, and cultural life. Authorized by the Chamber of Deputies, CIVICUS ROMANIA actively participates in the legal process to advocate for legislative amendments that support civil society.

The association's objectives include:

- Defending human rights and liberties.
- Promoting community actions to monitor statutory decisions at both local and national levels and engaging civil society—especially youth—in the decision-making process.
- Reducing bureaucratic obstacles and ensuring judicial independence.
- Advocating for the rights and interests of youth locally, nationally, and internationally.
- Encouraging youth participation in civil society initiatives and fostering associative engagement.
- Promoting European values and community acquis.
- Facilitating collaboration among NGOs at national and international levels to enhance civil society and actively involve youth.
- Developing partnerships between associative structures and public institutions to influence the decision-making process.
- Supporting youth mobility abroad and intercultural exchanges, including the organization of cultural events and promotion of volunteer work and exchange programs for volunteers.
- Providing guidance to young people on European Union financial instruments, conducting market research, and creating business plans.
- Promoting sports activities and tourism.
- Advocating for road safety and traffic flow.
- Encouraging an eco-friendly lifestyle.

Donațiile ne sprijină și te ajută.

Ajută-ne să realizăm proiectul pe care ți-l dorești. Orice contribuție, oricât de mică, este valoroasă.